THE TOP TEN Running Tips
Running is a great hobby it keeps you fit of mind and body. With Newcastle hotels filling up with running hopefuls for this years Bupa Great North Run I thought it would be a good idea to share some running tips to make sure you keep on running.
Running is a great hobby it keeps you fit of mind and body. With Newcastle hotels filling up with running hopefuls for this years Bupa Great North Run I tho...  more


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Rank  (best ever) 11
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Created 09/14/12
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What in those shoes?

Getting the right kind of running trainers for you is of vital importance to keep you feet as fit as you are. Bad trainers can lead to sore feet, knees, back ... everything.



Knot again?!

This may seem obvious, but learn to tie your shoe laces with a double knot. Who knows how many minutes have been lost from laces coming undone during peoples races.



Bare Foot?

It might sound crazy, but think about it our species didn't evolve with trainers stuck on our feet. We have evolved to be excellent runners that's why we all have such ample buttocks, but trainers effect the way we run, often encouraging us to fall to heavily on our heels. Why not try running bear foot?



Exercise Caution

Everyone wants to train hard, but listen to your body. There is no point in working so hard that by the time it gets to race day you've worn yourself out. Be smart and work out a training regime you know wont injure you and stick to it.




Many runners keep seeing the same running injuries popping up, and they are usually avoidable. Excess tightness in certain running muscles, the gluts especially, leads to the body to move in inefficient patterns, and injuries can often happen as a result of this compensation. Make sure your muscles are loose and your body is able to function the way it was meant to by properly stretching after your run.



Keep It Up

Don't get lazy and give up on your training. One off day can soon turn into 3, to 5, to oh god when did I last go out for a run. Even if you find your self away from home many hotels have gyms and even if they don't there are roads and paths to run down in most places.



Maintain Cadence

Cadence refers to the rate at which your feet hit the ground. When you learn to run with shorter, quicker strides, your body will spend less time in the air meaning there is less impact each time you land. By bringing the foot down more quickly you will also avoid over-striding, which results in a small but measurable braking effect each time you land. A great cadence target for the recreational runner is 90 strikes per minute per foot, or 22-24 in 15 seconds. At this rate you can run at any speed; the difference then lay in your stride length.



Change Your Pace

Recreational runners often train at the same pace every time they go out the door then wonder why they have plateaued. Slow down on your long run; you don't have to go fast to get all of the benefits of this workout. Stay at a conversational pace. With the extra energy you saved by going easy on the long run, take one of your other weekly runs and slowly build a section of it in which the intensity is hard but sustainable. This will give you huge fitness gains, teach your body to run fast, and you will find that, when you slow down to your goal race pace, it will feel easier. Goodbye plateau, hello personal best.



Rest Before You Race

So simply, yet so hard. The big race is a few days out and you're nervous so you go out and do a long run just to reassure yourself that you can do it. Then, on race day: disappointment. Remember, your body needs to recover in order to get fitter.



Enjoy it!

Running can be so rewarding and enjoyable. Scientific research has shown that running can improve your mental health as well as your physical health. Non-runners might scoff at this, but we runners know that there is no better feeling in the world than crossing that finish line.


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